"Exceptionally Messed Up"

Just another blog!!

Dance Bar.

Pink, Blue, Orange and black.;
Colours I see.

Astound I am, thick make up with the purple fading of her eyes.
Life could have been better! she prays.
Her fake appearance besieges all.

It's the money her eyes say! I was a woman once!
I stand here tonight with a contrived covering hiding the inevitable.

I am I!! Curly hair, Sunny locks; Life has treated me well
but a delusory smile.
My skin the color of milk, Silk it is and I am the
infectious fragrance of what all desire.

I am I!!
The woman at the bar you couldn't resist.
The demon inside you, I am I the woman at the dance bar.


Anonymous said...

Dude.....wat the ****..too good man... Deep..deep..rhyme...

vagueadonis said...

thanks mate. :) After talking to one, tried putting a few feelings into words.

Anonymous said...

he he i can imagine how difficult it wud have been for you to write these down...

the colors were just over the top.

vagueadonis said...

Well it really wasn't when your down a bottle of black rum, the deception is too overwhelming.

Unknown said...

Nice post, Adsham !
Liked the narrative idea, and the feelings behind it ! Could relate to the woman at the bar and her plight !! But such is life, and she knows it too :)

Keep going.